
Can we help students use their feedback? 

Assessment Feedback Assistant has at its core the idea that students want to be able to use their feedback to develop their skills.   The concept  Our concept is for a tool that gathers feedback from digital systems so the student can see it in one place.   The tool could notify the student when they have […]


Supporting students to connect with their peers

The R&D team at Jisc is working on a potential new product that we’re currently calling Peer Connect.  Peer Connect will be an app for learners who are predominantly studying online to connect with others on their course. Aimed at all students, national and international, Peer Connect will adopt a “privacy first” approach allowing students […]


On Campus and Off Campus: Places, People, and Possibilities during the Pandemic

In December 2021 I contributed some of our team’s recent research to the ALT Winter Conference. The session was in the Well-being and Learning Technology category in the form of a video poster titled: On Campus and Off Campus: Places, People, and Possibilities during the Pandemic. The poster was a pre-recorded presentation focused around qualitative […]


Discord’s growing relevance in the education sector

In June I wrote a blog post on the proliferation and growing popularity of virtual study spaces. This blog post is a follow up, focusing on Discord. There are two use cases of Discord in particular that I will discuss  – as a virtual study space, and as an educational tool for peer support. What […]


A recipe for idea generation

  Ideation for us is the process of generating possible solutions to problems and challenges.  We find the most innovative and transformation ideas come when we work as a team. There are lots of tools and activities we use for ideation, but the challenge is bringing the process together. I am using a recipe analogy […]


Virtual lab and fieldwork

To say that the coronavirus pandemic has caused significant disruption would be an understatement, with the entire education sector affected in one way or another. With any luck things will creep back to something approaching normality. However, the past months have highlighted the need to be prepared for disruptive events in the future, in whatever […]