
Brain machine interfaces – an introduction

One of the functions of this research team has been to stay clued up about pioneering technological developments. We’re always interested in things that may be out on the margins now but could have a big impact on society and therefore the education sector in the decades ahead.  

One of the areas we’ve recently begun to learn about is Brain Machine Interfaces (BMIs). This topic may initially strike you as a little too sci-fi. But while this area of research and technology is undoubtedly still in its infancy, the number of breakthroughs is increasing and the market around developments is picking up. So, we believe that it is a topic worthy of attention and want to share with you what we’ve learnt so far. 

It is worth saying that what follows is a whistlestop tour of a complex area, and no doubt we have oversimplified many details – but hopefully it will provide you with an overview of a subject that you may not have heard much about before, and a starting point if you want to understand more.     

Brain Machine Interfaces – the basics 

What are they? 

Brain Machine Interfaces (BMIs) are also often referred to as Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs) and sometimes Brain Chip Interfaces (BCHIs).   

These interfaces enable direct communication links between the brain and an external device. Brain plasticity allows signals from these implanted prostheses to be handled like natural sensors. Cerebral activities can be converted into instructions that can then control a machine. 

Research on BMIs began in the 1970s. By the late 1980s the first demonstration of non-invasive control of a physical object had happened – in this case, a robot; and in 2006 a brain implant was used to move a cursor. An understanding that these technologies may be able to restore lost function in humans had been formed by the 2010s; and today a range of successful BMI implementations are impacting the lives of the research participants fitted with them.   

Why are they used? 

BMIs are often implemented with the aim of assisting, augmenting, or repairing human-cognitive or sensory motor functions, including vision, movement, and communication. The types of machines most-commonly interfaced with include computers and robotic limbs. 

A real-life example of brain machine interfaces (BMI) transforming human lives, is the story of Mark, a 64-year-old living with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) condition. Mark is currently testing a minimally invasive implant from Synchron’s Stentrode. Thanks to this BMI, Mark can control digital devices, such as Alexa, just through his thoughts. Mark shared that being able to do such tasks gave him a sense of independence and normality that many of us take for granted. Mark is also hopeful that he will be able to return to his passion for painting, thanks to this technology. 

Another real-life example of how BMI technology is currently improving human lives is the story of Nathan Copeland. Following a car accident, Nathan became paralyzed from the chest down. Nathan has been testing a BMI system developed by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh with the help of Blackrock Neurotech for more than 20 years. This BMI system is an invasive neural implant that permits Nathan to control a robotic arm by just using his thoughts. This technology doesn’t just send commands, it also provides sensory feedback. Nathan can again “feel” sensations in his fingers through the robotic arm, thanks to the electrical stimulation of the sensory regions of his brain.  

How are they implanted? 

Levels of BMI invasiveness vary, depending on the proximity of the electrodes to the brain. Implementations are loosely categorized into three groups – non-invasive, partially invasive and invasive.   

At the most invasive end of the scale, electrodes are implanted directly into the brain’s tissue. The deeper the electrodes are placed, the closer the proximity to brain activity. The high-resolution data made possible by this proximity can be used to control prosthetics, and aid communication. While the reliability and precision they offer are great, so are the risks – not least of infection. Regardless of this, invasive devices are currently at the forefront of BMI research. 

At the non-invasive end of the scale, brain activity is recorded from the scalp without requiring an implant or surgery. While these are a safer and more accessible alternative, they provide lower resolution data that is hard to decode. Despite these limitations, non-invasive BMIs have shown potential in applications such as being able to control the cursor of a computer or aiding in neurorehabilitation. One such example is electroencephalography (EEG) – a painless test that uses sensors placed on the scalp to measure electrical activity of the brain. It is widely used in the NHS and its main use is to detect and investigate epilepsy.  

Who is working on BMIs? 

Research teams working on BMI developments have long been motivated by the aim to make human lives better. Currently, the key companies working on technological breakthroughs each have individual different aims. This marketplace is growing and is increasingly commercial. The companies and technologies involved include:  

Blackrock Neurotech: 

Originally formed in 2008 with the acquisition of the ‘Utah Array’ interface, which was invented in the 80s and first implanted in humans in 2004. Since then, the company claims to have worked with over 1000 labs in the US alone. 

Blackrock Neurotech main purpose is to aid people affected by paralysis and other neurological disorders to improve movement, communication, sight, and sensations. Their implants are invasive and are primarily used in medical research and therapeutic approaches, such as aiding speech impairment for patients with severe neurological conditions like ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). Some of their research participants have been able to use their brain signals to achieve many things, including operating vehicles or creating art.   


The involvement of Elon Musk in this company has guaranteed that it has received plenty of media attention since being founded in 2016.   

The long-term aspiration of Neuralink is to make BMIs mainstream.  But they still have significant work to do to make their devices mass-manufacturable, affordable and in line with the regulations.  

Patient registry is not limited to the US, it allows participant applications from the UK and Canada too. 

The Neuralink devices are invasive and focused on enhancing human capabilities and communication with machines rather than for medical applications directly. Recent advancements include using BMIs to bypass damaged or non-functional parts of the visual system, that directly work with with the brain to create visual perceptions.  


Operating since 2012, Synchron’s aim is to minimize the invasiveness of the implant procedure and provide solutions for those who have experienced paralysis and other neurological conditions.  

Synchron’s implant system is invasive but doesn’t require open brain surgery. Instead, it is delivered like a stent – inserted into the jugular vein in the neck and guided up to a blood vessel near the brain’s motor cortex. 

Patients are able to communicate through a device without moving a muscle. 

Motif Neurotech: 

This company produces implants, but not ones that work with machines – their pea-sized chip does all the work by itself. 

Another point of difference with most other organizations in this space is their goal. Motif is not driven by a desire to assist movement and communication. Rather, they are focused on alleviating the symptoms of depression.  

Their brain stimulator is an implant, but it only enters the skull, and it doesn’t touch the brain. The entire process to implant takes around 20 minutes. 

What could this mean for education? 

Here we do not have facts or answers, but many questions.

What opportunities and educational spaces could these BMIs open to those who have been previously excluded?  

Considering the changes in education and assessment following the release of Generative AI tools, what will we need to consider about academic rigor if the technology is within the student’s own body? 

Are any of the companies implanting BMIs looking at the impact on education in their research? Could BMI devices eventually lead to direct knowledge transfer and learning at an increased pace?  

If you have any ideas around these questions or know of any research institutions involved in or tracking their development, please get in touch. 

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