Co-design HE

Student Records – A sector-wide discussion

It is widely recognised across the HE sector that there is potential for improvement in the way that student records data is stored, managed, and processed at all stages of the student lifecycle. We are working with UCISA and ARC on a project which initially aims to build a consensus on the challenges that members […]


Macro trends impacting the future of education

The last few years have seen more drivers for change in education than normal. This has made our work to identify challenges and ideas around technology that will transform education in the future quite a challenge.  What we need are some stable trends to help us to focus the direction of our activities. To be […]


Part 2. Scaling Education: A simple carbon calculator

In Part 1. Scaling Education we set out our assumptions to be used to compare scenarios for scaling education to meet the suggested global growth in learners in the future. The calculator A simple spreadsheet calculator was created using the carbon emissions figures we established in Part 1. Please email if you would like […]


New members bringing innovation to the team

One great part of working in a team is when we get new people coming into the team. They always bring innovative ideas and different experiences. Over the past few months, we have welcomed several team members, into new posts, from our graduate scheme and replacing colleagues who have gone to pastures new. I asked […]


Part 1. Scaling education: What is the carbon impact?

I have lost count of how many times over the past two years, someone has raised the carbon impact of zoom calls. It usually comes up in a discussion around the environmental benefits of working or studying from home. Is there data that we can use to get a real comparison? We had also been […]


Dissecting Digital Marking 

  “Incredibly helpful, stressful, time saving, time consuming” are just some of the ways that digital assessment marking has been described.    We have spent the last month exploring digital assessment with some of our members. We wanted to understand their experiences, listen to the challenges, and learn about the different ways institutions are using digital […]


Assessment futures: What will assessment look like in 2035

It is hard to be certain of what assessment will be like in the future. However, if we can create some scenarios of what might happen, it can help us to plan what we might be able to do. To make more desirable futures happen or to reduce the chances of a less desirable one. […]


Driving changes in learning space design

We have been hearing a lot in our conversations with institutions about their challenges around creating effective learning spaces. Even before the pandemic we had seen a move by some institutions towards more active or blended learning models. These rely less on large lecture spaces and more on flexible open learning spaces, group work or […]


A recipe for idea generation

  Ideation for us is the process of generating possible solutions to problems and challenges.  We find the most innovative and transformation ideas come when we work as a team. There are lots of tools and activities we use for ideation, but the challenge is bringing the process together. I am using a recipe analogy […]