
Why we check the facts

We are constantly bombarded with headlines that claim to reveal the latest breakthroughs, trends, and innovations in technology. But how often do we stop and question the validity, accuracy, and relevance of these headlines? How often do we dig deeper and look for the evidence, the context, and the implications of these claims? Yellow Journalism […]


BETT 2024 – some of our insights

  Over the years I have been attending BETT I have always found it a useful radar of current trends in educational technology. So I gathered together some thoughts from across the team who attended around what they were seeing at BETT 2024. As you might expect Artificial Intelligence (AI) was everywhere this year, but […]


Bett 2024: The esports path to pro: From passion to profession

E-Sports was a big topic at Bett. I had expected AI to take the spotlight and while it had a major presence, Microsoft’s stand was dedicated to their AI co-pilot and other companies were happy to advertise their use of AI. E-Sports dominated. It even had its own dedicated area, where talks on the topic […]


Digital assessment face-to-face – survey insights

Digital assessments on campus at scale – insights from the survey The issues discussed in in our previous blog post on Digital assessment face-to-face were used to create a survey that was sent out to a small list of institutions. The response rate was quite low (12 in total), however all the institutions who responded […]


Digital assessments face-to-face

Exploring the challenges and approaches to delivering digital assessments on campus at scale Background The pandemic was a driver for many institutions to move towards doing more digital assessments. By necessity these assessments were delivered remotely using a variety of software products that could manage the assessment process and provide different levels of security and […]


Exploring Futures Now

We are piloting a workshop to explore the future challenges of higher and further education. The purpose is to help people imagine what the future of education might look like over the next 30 years. As part of the Association of Colleges pre conference activities for Love Colleges week we ran a workshop to Imagine […]

Thought leadership

Fight for your right to be accessible: the imperative of upskilling students for a more inclusive future 

As the landscape of tertiary education (UK FE and HE sectors) continues to evolve, the integration of accessibility and accessible practices has become a focal point for educational institutions. In part, this was driven by the introduction of the Public Sector Bodies Accessibility Regulations in 2018 and by the social shift to inclusive practice over […]


Is education ready for holograms and touch free interaction?

What ideas do you have for using holograms in education? How could you use hand tracking to interact with a screen or virtual environment?  We have been exploring some emerging technologies and plan to bring some examples along to conferences over the next year.  We’d like to hear what you think. What are the challenges? […]


Navigating the micro-credential revolution: A global perspective

In today’s dynamic employment landscape, the path to success is no longer solely paved with traditional degrees. As we step into the future, the global education sector is witnessing a transformative shift towards micro-credentials. These bite-sized learning opportunities are redefining how individuals acquire new skills and how employers evaluate qualifications, as revealed in the 2023 […]


Unlocking Opportunities: Pedagogy for micro-credentials

The North West Regional College (NWRC) in Northern Ireland is on a mission to tackle unemployment in Derry, Limavady, and Strabane, where economic inactivity rates surpass national averages, leading to social and economic challenges. Their innovative solution? Hybrid micro-credentials. In this blog, we delve into the pedagogical framework, implementation strategies, quality assurance and challenges of […]