On November 20th, Emma Beatson and I, from the Research and Innovation team attended the 2024 School and Academies show at the NEC in Birmingham. Our aim was to look at what kinds of conversations people in the sector are having, and how much of it is about AI. Moreover, we wanted to find out […]
Tag: edtech

Campuses were regarded as the centre of the university experience prior to the pandemic, however, the pandemic changed everything about the experience of higher education for the vast majority of students. Universities are now having to consider how to adapt their campuses for a post-pandemic future with a sustained and coordinated effort to make students’ […]
In June I wrote a blog post on the proliferation and growing popularity of virtual study spaces. This blog post is a follow up, focusing on Discord. There are two use cases of Discord in particular that I will discuss – as a virtual study space, and as an educational tool for peer support. What […]