
An investigation into uses for micro-credentials

Interest in using micro-credentials to demonstrate professional development and expertise has remained steady, but is predicted to increase due to a combination of factors, such as sustainable recovery from Covid-19, the recent announcement of the Lifelong Loan Entitlement, and growing pressure to improve opportunities for inclusion in education. In the spirit of this last aspiration, […]


Looking for Support for Mature Students in FE Colleges

The number of mature students in Further Education (FE) colleges is expected to rise, with more people opting for a career change or looking to reskill due to technology advancements such as the expected replacement of jobs by AI, and the upcoming Government Lifelong Entitlement Fund. My research looked at the availability and quality of […]


How can digital services support Mature Students to succeed in education?

Mature students represent a considerable proportion of the Higher Education (HE) student body and are predicted to grow. At Jisc, we have been delving into the future to consider how universities can support the rising number of students aged 25 and over. How does the existing framework of support services, cater to their diverse needs, […]


Introducing the digital assessment maturity model

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in early 2020, it forced UK education institutions to shift teaching online. It was widely assumed that it might only be for a few weeks, but then as spring gave way to summer, it was clear that assessments would have to change markedly and quickly. Three years on, we have […]


Digital assessment maturity model: creation and resourcing

As part of our work on a digital assessment maturity model, this post contains a more in-depth look at the creation and resourcing phase. Assessment creation and resourcing At the level of approaching and understanding, assessments are often limited to a small number of assessment types and are manually created. The timetabling and administration of […]


Digital assessment maturity model: marking and feedback

As part of our work on a digital assessment maturity model, this post contains a more in-depth look at the assessment design phase. Marking and feedback The marking and feedback for assessments is manual at the approaching and understanding stage. Staff will grade assignments and provide hand-written feedback to students. The feedback process is often […]


Digital assessment maturity model: quality management

As part of our work on a digital assessment maturity model, this post contains a more in-depth look at the quality management phase. Quality management of assessment When approaching and understanding digital assessment, student assessment data may be stored in ad-hoc, basic tools, such as Microsoft Excel. Sharing data may only take place via email […]


Digital assessment maturity model: completion and submission

As part of our work on a digital assessment maturity model, this post contains a more in-depth look at the completion and submission phase. Assessment completion and submission There may be no digital element of assessment at the approaching and understanding the completion and submission process. While students may use word processors or other software […]


Digital assessment maturity model: assessment design

As part of our work on a digital assessment maturity model, this post contains a more in-depth look at the assessment design phase. Assessment design When approaching and understanding assessment design, most assessment will be simple, and often paper-based. The design process is often manual. Digital assessment may be sometimes used to supplement traditional assessment […]

HE Thought leadership

How can edtech support the reimagining of the campus?

Campuses were regarded as the centre of the university experience prior to the pandemic, however, the pandemic changed everything about the experience of higher education for the vast majority of students. Universities are now having to consider how to adapt their campuses for a post-pandemic future with a sustained and coordinated effort to make students’ […]