
Digital assessment maturity model: completion and submission

As part of our work on a digital assessment maturity model, this post contains a more in-depth look at the completion and submission phase. Assessment completion and submission There may be no digital element of assessment at the approaching and understanding the completion and submission process. While students may use word processors or other software […]


Digital assessment maturity model: assessment design

As part of our work on a digital assessment maturity model, this post contains a more in-depth look at the assessment design phase. Assessment design When approaching and understanding assessment design, most assessment will be simple, and often paper-based. The design process is often manual. Digital assessment may be sometimes used to supplement traditional assessment […]

HE Thought leadership

How can edtech support the reimagining of the campus?

Campuses were regarded as the centre of the university experience prior to the pandemic, however, the pandemic changed everything about the experience of higher education for the vast majority of students. Universities are now having to consider how to adapt their campuses for a post-pandemic future with a sustained and coordinated effort to make students’ […]


Scottish Colleges Data Landscape

Some of the co-design team are starting a new activity working with Scottish colleges, to explore data management across the sector. The project has emerged from discussions with Scottish college principals, board representatives and the Scottish Funding Council. From our initial research we can see there are clear challenges around data management and associated systems, […]


Reflections from the Student Experience Experts Group

On the 22nd of November, members of Jisc’s edtech and co-design team attended the 50th Meeting of the Student Experience Experts Group: Harvey Norman, Marcus Elliot, Chloe Tambling, Kike Fatogun, and Lawrie Phipps.   Keynote – Digital Transformation as Praxis: How to make it happen  Professor Arunangsu Chatterjee, Dean of Digital Transformation at the University […]


Consumerism – Neoliberal Education – Climate Change

I spent some time over Christmas reflecting on digital education and the post I wrote about digital capabilities and climate back in July, mostly because I was sat in a “bomb cyclone” in New England – another of the extreme weather events which are becoming more regular. I’m not sure what direction I am taking here, but […]


There’s an app for that!

Some members of the EdTech and Co-design team did a co-design activity around Student Loneliness. From this sprang an idea for an app, to be called Peer Connect, which would allow online students to connect with their peers on their course to help support their learning outcomes.   The idea for Peer Connect came from speaking to […]


Engaging with Edtech in 2023

Having spent the last two years working with the sector and understanding their needs around the edtech market; we have learnt that a big priority for our members is to have access to insightful information about this market. There has been an incredible number of changes since 2020 and we aim to make sense of […]


Macro-trends: initial scaling education design sprint

In education, we often hear the same issues cropping up again and again: lecture capture, learning analytics, internationalisation, and so on. These are all important, and we often approach them thematically, within their own bubbles. In Paul Bailey’s recent post about macro trends, he says “we believe that significant and accelerated change can be expected […]


The Metaverse in Education

We have published a news article Times Higher Education , Should we be worried? An educators’ introduction to the metaverse that provides a guide to the metaverse for education. What is it and what might it mean for the future of education? There is now a version on the Jisc website of An educators’ guide […]